Design Patterns
Design Patterns - JAVA🔧👽 In software engineering, a design pattern is a repeatable solution to a common problem in software design. A design pattern is not a ready-made design that can be converted directly into code. It is a description or template of how to solve a problem that can be used in different situations. Why we use design patterns ? Improved Code Quality and Readability Increased Reusability and Efficiency Better Maintainability and Extensibility Improved Collaboration and Communication Mitigates Risks Reduces errors Enhances reliability We can break these design patterns in terms of those categories. First criteria is Purpose and other one is . First we discuss the types of design patterns using Purpose criteria. 1) Purpose What is the purpose any design pattern solves. There are 3 purposes that any design patterns would be solving. Creational Design Pattern : Used for creating or instantiating objects and classes. Struc...