Sorting Algorithms - JAVA👽
Sorting Algorithms - JAVA👽 Sorting algorithms are used to arrange data into a specific pattern (ascending or descending).We mainly discuss 5 patterns in this blog. We can use any of this methods to sort an array. Selection sort Insertion sort Bubble sort Merge sort Quick sort Selection sort ... Selection sort is well perform for small arrays and doesn't require extra temporary storage. It uses selection method. It is poor to deal with huge list of items. It simple and easy to implement. It's time complexity is O(n^2) and space complexity is O(1). Here is the basic code for selection sort. for (int i=0; i< array.length-1; i++){ int curruntMinimum = i; for (int curruntItem=i+1; curruntItem<array.length;curruntItem++){ if(array[curruntItem] < array[curruntMinimum]){ ...